Every year we support two Charity organisations that have a great importance in the maritime world. The RNLI is an organisation that aided 32,207 people in 2018 and made 8,964 lifeboat launches the same year to assist those who were in need and in trouble at sea.
Paul Hopkins and Ian Sharpe presented a cheque for £250 to Tynemouth Station Mechanic, Dave Thompson earlier this week.

The second organisation is the Mission to Seafarers located on Mill Dam, South Shields. Every order that we send out includes an opportunity to provide feedback on our products and services, with the promise to those that complete them that we will donate £4 to the Mission, for each one that is returned. Whilst we don’t get many we receive enough to make a donation to the Mission to Seafarers each year which we gladly do around this time of year to help Seafarers, past and present who use the facilities at Mill Dam.
Ian Sharpe presented Dianne Erskine, Manager of the Mill Dam Mission with a cheque for £250 on the same day we made the previous donation.