The 26th November 2015 was the day we completed the move to Solar Solve Ltd’s current Headquarters and Manufacturing Facility. We had intended to have some sort of party but Covid-19 put a stop to that and many other anniversaries and events throughout 2020 that we had wanted to celebrate. Whilst we have a slight calm before the storm situation (we have a huge consignment of screens and blinds to produce during April), I want to at least make mention of our 5th Anniversary at 7 Waldridge Way, South Shields because it was such a colossal achievement. We relocated virtually everything from the old Tyne Dock facility to this new 7WW building using our own employees. Some of the electrical and heating work was carried out by approved installers, the two 40ft containers were re-sited by experts as was the brick-built joiners shop and a couple of work tables. All of the racking, shelves, workbenches, production machinery and equipment, stock and components were taken down and re-assembled by THE SOLASOLV TEAM. Altogether it took about 6 months to organise and execute, including the dilapidations work we had to do before handing back the Tyne Dock building.
Over the 3-day period 24 to 26 November 2015, we relocated to the new factory and offices facility at 7 Waldridge Way, SOUTH SHIELDS. Processing of Enquiries, Quotes and Orders was virtually unaffected and was only out of action for a matter of hours.
Stripping down, transporting and re-installing the production equipment hit a host of snags but our indomitable team, with the help of local movers Westoe Removals and Osborne Transport, would not be beaten.
Once we were up and running, THE TEAM had to make a sample SOLASAFE roller sunscreen and CASSLITE roller blind for presentation to John and Julie by 4pm Thursday 26th November, packed in a wooden packing case with all of the necessary documentation to go with the order. It was to be a test run ready for full production to start in the new factory from 8.30am the next morning.
In spite of all the setbacks they did it with 30 minutes to spare. They can be seen in the photo, taken the next day, with the packing case on the table behind. Naturally the Directors were very pleased and proud of how well the whole process had been completed.
On Friday 27th November John and Julie were very happy when Ian Sharp and Adam Smoult showed them the first order that was manufactured at the new factory. It was for 18 SOLASAFE screens for a customer in UAE. The photo was taken by Paul Meston and all 3 Technicians were involved in producing the order. Well Done! to everyone involved!!
In the 5 years and 4 months that we have been at 7WW, we have manufactured tens of thousands of Type Approved products, consisting mainly of SOLASOLV brand roller sunscreens but also including a significant number of ROLASOLV brand Specialist Marine Industry Standard roller blinds. They are all supplied with exceptional product guarantee certificates and every product made is individually identified with an item number enabling full traceability.
John H Lightfoot MBE