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It’s that time of year again when all staff members at Solar Solve have had to take part in the company’s bi-annual Staff Appraisals.  An opportunity for the managers to discuss with their team members how they are progressing and if there are any issues.  Similarly everyone is encouraged to raise at the meetings anything that they are unhappy about, or any ideas or observations they want to mention or discuss.

Officially, the appraisals are part of Solar Solve’s Quality Assurance Standard but they are very useful tools in their own right and well worth the time and effort every employee puts into making sure we get the most we can from them.

Nobody loses ‘brownie points’ for raising what they feel may be a contentious issue.  Everybody in the team is encouraged to speak their mind.  The owners may not want, or be able, to resolve a problem to everyone’s’ satisfaction but often changes can be made that are worthwhile for us all.  Where there is no movement, at least the individual can feel better because they raised the issue and are no longer keeping it to themselves.

The last 2 team members joined in June 2010, so everyone is well versed in Staff Appraisals and know what to expect.

Although there are 2 official appraisals held every year, all employees know that if ever they have concerns about anything, they will always be able to approach any manger to discuss it immediately.

Solar Solve benefitted from a good year in 2017, in spite of the poor conditions within the global marine industry and once again all employees were rewarded with a pay rise and bonus, so the atmosphere during the appraisals was very positive.

As chairman, for me, one of the most rewarding facts that was reiterated at every review was the phenomenal record we have here at Solar Solve regarding sickness and lateness.  Data for the last 10 years shows that 40% of current employees proudly hold unblemished records for having never been late, with 30% being late on only ONE occasion and that of the remaining 30% the worst offender was late ONLY 4 times in 10 years.

Unlike lateness, attendance at work is far more difficult to control, which is manifested in the unimpressive figures for 2012 and 2013, due one employee being involved in a motorway traffic accident that was not of his making.  It resulted in him being off work for 136 days over a 16 month period.

However, putting that unfortunate exception aside, the attendance records for the other employees for the same 10 years is almost as impressive as the lateness figures.  In 2011 and 2017 there were no days off due to sickness, ‘nor had there been any lateness in those years.

For the other 8 years, there was one incidence of 5 days lost, one of 1 day lost and the rest were from 2 to 4 days.

The team here at Solar Solve are unique in many ways, with their commitment to their jobs being just one of them.

Congratulations and WELL DONE!!