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In these modern times it is upsetting to know that some things never change.  Solar Solve’s MD, Julie and Sales and Marketing Executive, Paul were invited to a lunch reception at the South Shields Mission to Seafarers, to celebrate its 160th Anniversary.

It is a very proud occasion for the people of the town and the long history we have with the sea and the Merchant Navy in particular.  There was a great turn-out and the event was very successful.

The visit was also an ideal opportunity for us to have an official presentation of a donation that we make to the Mission at this time every year to sponsor a Christmas party for local members as well as local seafarers who have retired or just want to go along for the comradery.

The funding is always well received and we were told that this year there will be a few extra seafarers who are regular visitors taking advantage of the free wi-fi facilities and the opportunity to get away from their vessel for short breaks.  Apparently the ship owner is in financial difficulties and the crew are having to stay with their ship whilst it is detained in the river.  Fortunately they have the local Mission to turn to and they are very grateful for that.

Whilst things have certainly got better since I was a lad at sea they still have not changed completely and the services provided by the Missions to Seafarers and the other associated organisations continue to be in demand.  Long may they continue to do the worthwhile job that they were created for and long may there continue to be lots of individuals and organisations and volunteers to keep them going.

Mission to Seafarers Donation 2017Julie handing over the donation cheque to Cllr Fay Cunningham and Cllr Peter Boyack who received it on behalf of the Mission to Seafarers