It was on 9th August 2006, when two young men, Malcolm Craig and Mark Weatherburn joined the company as Production Technicians. They obviously do not regret the move because they are still here, more than 10 years later and continuing to do a great for the company and our customers, just as they always have.
Mal opted to remain in the factory manufacturing Solar Solve Marine’s full range of Made-to-Measure products, as and when they are ordered, to the company’s exacting standards. In a previous job he was a folk-lift truck driver but has fight to get a turn at driving our truck because all the Production staff are qualified as forklift drivers and they all like driving it.
Mark began his career with Solar Solve doing the same things as Mal but was then asked to move into the office to help out on the technical side after a few years of producing everything we have to offer. He is now the Technical Officer and has taken on the very special responsibility of ensuring we always comply with the requirements of our ISO 9001 Quality Assurance Standard.
Unfortunately, Mal was unable to attend the special meal that was organised to celebrate their significant achievement but Mark, all of his work colleagues and the three Directors had a super time celebrating with him. It was great fun and both guys have been presented with a Sincere Thank You card and gift from the Directors for their great service, loyalty and commitment to Solar Solve and its customers. Long may it continue.
Top Image – John, Julie and Lilian Lightfoot, co-owners of Solar Solve Marine, say a big “Thank You” to Technical Administrator, Mark Weatherburn for his 10 years of loyal and committed service to the company, whilst Mark holds on tightly to the envelope containing his card and gift from the Directors, in appreciation.