Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations presented a golden opportunity for The Queen to promote The Commonwealth of Nations and rightly so. On Commonwealth Day, 14th March 2022 Her Majesty gave an encouraging speech to the 54 member countries and the world at large of how important the organization is, for all sorts of very positive reasons.
When Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was crowned in 1953 there were less than 10 countries in the Commonwealth. Due to The Queens hard work, dedication and absolute commitment to the organisation, of which she is the head, there are now 54 countries in the Commonwealth of Nations as it is now called. They are in Africa, Asia, the Americas, Europe and the Pacific and she is Queen of 16 of them. Commonwealth countries are diverse – they are amongst the world’s biggest, smallest, richest and poorest countries.
Member countries share a form of British common law, share the same legal system and any disputes tend to be settled more easily
I was saddened when I saw on last night’s news that due to the actions of Vladimir Putin, there appears to be signs that of some members of the Commonwealth are being severely affected by them and others possibly wanting to break away from the organization or disrupt its objectives and practices.
I sincerely hope it has the strength to remain unharmed.
John Lightfoot, MBE, CMarEng, FIMarEST, Fellow South Shields Marine School
Solar Solve Chairman