In mid-April, employees at Solar Solve took time out from their busy production schedule and held a small party to congratulate and celebrate two of their colleagues receiving Long-Service awards.
The company’s three business owners /directors, John, Lilian and Julie Lightfoot, attended and presented the ‘Thank You’ cards and gifts. (See photo below).
In 2001, Operations Manager, Carl Johnson had been made redundant as a result of the demise of the Reyrolle Works in Hebburn. He was looking for a new challenge and considering all of his options. After two interviews Carl was offered the vacant position at Solar Solve but kept them waiting for a few weeks until he had attended all of his final interviews, reviewed his offers and finally decided to say “Yes” to Solar Solve.
The directors said Carl has been a great benefit to the company throughout his 20 years of loyal service and they are delighted that he did eventually opt to join Solar Solve way back in 2001 and that he has stayed with them ever since.
Company Secretary, Lilian Lightfoot proudly presented Carl with a ‘Congratulations & Thank You’ card and a Gift card in appreciation of his 20 years of Super Service to Solar Solve.
John and Lilian then recounted how Julie had helped in the business, especially from the age of 16 to 22, when she was a Saturday Girl in the Showroom and then she worked 1 evening a week doing the accounts.
In 1991, John and Lilian were asked to visit Malaysia for a week to promote the new Solar Solve sunscreens. They were keen to go but didn’t have anyone to run the business whilst they were away.
By that time Julie had ‘A’ levels, completed a 2-year Trainee Course with IBM and was a Management Trainee at Marks & Spencer but the programme had been put on ‘hold’ due to the recession and she wasn’t happy.
Lilian comments, “Our business was not doing brilliantly and I was concerned about asking Julie to move from a secure but frustrating job with M&S. However, John was so confident that the SOLASOLV products would become a success, we decided to make Julie an offer.”
Julie readily accepted her parents offer and has been a great asset to the business. Although Julie has always made financial control her major responsibility, she has many other business skills and talents and is considered the ideal person for the role of Managing Director.
Julie’s father, Solar Solve’s Chairman, John Lightfoot did the honour and said, “It is with great pride and a lot of pleasure, that I have the honour of presenting Julie with a ‘Congratulations & Thank You’ card and a gift card, from her mother and I, in appreciation of her 30 plus years of exceptional service to Solar Solve.”

They were presented by Solar Solve’s Company Secretary, Lilian Lightfoot and Chairman, John Lightfoot at a Congratulations ceremony to Celebrate Carl’s 20 years and Julie’s 30 years of service with the family business.