
Throughout 2015 we have been requesting customers send us photos or a short video of our screens in action at their ship bridge or tower windows. Most of you may have noticed a flyer in the post or even in the box that the screens have been delivered in asking for your help.

Some of our most iconic photos have come from customers on-board vessels in the past, an example can be seen below. All photo’s that are deemed suitable may be used in future promotional flyers. If there are enough good quality photos received we may select some to feature in a special Solar Solve Calendar and reward the successful entrants with five free copies.

All photos or videos submitted will be rewarded with either a USB pen drive, a USB card reader or a £5 donation to The Mission to Seafarers. One lucky winner will be drawn from the entries to win a £100 Digital Camera. We have already drawn one winner for entrants up to 31st March 2015. Captain Dave Edwards won and Newsletter readers will note that he kindly donated his £100 prize to the local Mission to Seafarers. The next draw will take place on 15th December 2015 – so what are you waiting for get those pictures and videos in!

 All Clear Ahead

Not Exactly