
LEST WE FORGET, means “should not be forgotten” and is intended to caution people against forgetting those who fought and died for their country and others who made sacrifices in the name of freedom.

In St Mary’s Stadium, Southampton at 2pm on Sunday 6th November, it was obvious that nobody had forgotten.

The noise from the crowd started to fade as Sgt. Gavid Dobson and Cpl. Will Thorpe of 266 Squadron, Maritime Regiment of the Royal Logistic Corps, with bugler Antonio Sotchie, Bandmaster of the Band of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers in Warwickshire, marched to the centre of the pitch.  By this time there was absolute silence as the 2 soldiers laid their wreaths, followed by Antonio Sotchie playing a flawless, one minute rendition of the Last Post on his bugle, as a flag was lowered to the ground and a well organised team set out a huge ‘Remembrance’ display of poppies and flags on the pitch.

The ceremony was incredibly moving and the absolute silence, which was only broken at the end by very loud applause from the crowd, was unbelievable, considering the tens of thousands of people who were there.

Every one of them were a credit to themselves, their country and the great game of football.

It was a long round-trip for the Newcastle fans but they left St. Mary’s stadium very happy after their team won 4 goals to 1.

John Lightfoot