“You are one of the better companies I have ever worked with.” So says a regular Solar Solve Marine customer based here in the UK.
The majority of ships are in and out of port for short periods of time, often for just a few hours. They need to be serviced by contractors and chandlers who enjoy the benefits of reliable suppliers who can deal with their requirements, safely, quickly and effectively.
It was one such contractor who made the statement above. By using Solar Solve as a supplier, he is taking advantage of one of our Unique Selling Point mottos for serving our customers, which is: EXACTLY what you want, EXACTLY where you want and EXACTLY when you want it.
A few days ago we added another 8 Customer Commendations to the solasolv.com website TESTIMONIALS page, bringing the total up to 293, which are located here.
John Lightfoot, Solar Solve Chairman