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Like many successful and caring businesses all over the world, the team at Solar Solve are keen to support as many charities and other good causes as they can, especially those that are located within their local community.

That was one of the reasons they agreed to make a donation to the Tiny Lives Trust, which is located in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, just 10 miles up river from their factory in South Shields, after receiving a request for assistance, along with information about the work that the charity does.

Solar Solve Supervisor, Adam Reilly and Sales and Marketing Executive, Paul Hopkins were very pleased to meet Louise Carroll, Tiny Lives Community and Events Fundraiser, when she called at the factory to receive the donation cheque, have a look round and watch our team members at work.  Louise was accompanied by members of the Webster family, who have benefited from assistance provided by Tiny Lives, including Will who was born prematurely and is now a healthy little lad.

Adam can be seen in the photo happily handing over Solar Solve’s donation to young Will and Louise as representatives of the very worthy cause.

After the presentation, Paul Hopkins commented, “The main reason for the donation, is the amazing amount of aid given to premature babies and their families by Tiny Lives.  When we read about it, we were surprised how many babies and their families are helped every year and the kinds of assistance that is offered.”

Some snippets of information from Tiny Lives includes, supporting over 700 premature babies and their families every year, in an area bounded by Cumbria, Northumberland and North Yorkshire, from their base at the Newcastle Neonatal Service, Ward 35 at Newcastle RVI hospital.

Providing developmental care aids  and equipment as well as support packages, including accommodation and travel costs for families.

A Neonatal Physiotherapist to aid early development; specialist training for nursing staff; a dedicated Social Worker;  research grants that enable the unit to lead on neonatal developments; and so the list goes on.

You can find out more about the impact and benefits that the Tiny Lives Trust brings by clicking here