
Whilst wondering round ‘the WORD’, visit website here which is my local library (see photo), during the holidays, I noticed a sign that read, ‘KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON’.  It seemed to me to be an ideal message for the start of this new year and quite inspiring.  It is good advice for everyone who reads it but with further analysis regarding my own situation; my personal life is fine just now, with few, if any problems so I am already keeping calm.  The ‘carry on’ part was certainly good advice, which I intend to take.  The same situation applies to my business life, it’s also fine with nothing obvious for me to panic about, so I’ll just be carrying on with that as well.

Whilst I was certainly intrigued by the sign, I did think it may have had a bit more of an impact for us Brits if it had been pre-fixed with the 4 words, ‘IN SPITE OF BREXIT’.

Drilling down a bit deeper and taking into account the fact that a lot of what happens in the USA also influences the UK, Europe and just about everywhere else as well, those extra 4 words could have been expanded to 8 so that the sign read, ‘IN SPITE OF BREXIT AND DONALD TRUMP JUST KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON’.

We should not forget that Brexit, Donald Trump, North Korea, China, Russia, or any other perceived disasters may not actually turn out to be such.  Nobody knows.  Millions of people pontificate and give their opinion but until someone is actually accredited with being able to foretell the future perfectly accurately, we will all just have to get along with our degrees in hindsight, which of course, we all have.

As far as I am aware nobody is able to accurately see into the future and so this new year of 2019 will be what it will be.  There will almost certainly be disasters and fatalities but the overwhelming majority of people will get on with their lives as normal, or will be too busy overcoming the problems an ever-changing world creates, to notice that things are not really normal or that they have changed at all.

By the end of 2019, those people who have the time to reflect will probably wonder why we were ever concerned……… or maybe not!!??

I’ll close anyway with my extended sign and wish all readers and Solar Solve Stakeholders,

A Very Happy and Peaceful New Year.


Top Image – The WORD – NATIONAL CENTRE FOR THE WRITTEN WORD in South Shields Market Place